This page provides real time status information for various IT applications in use at Ithaca College. It can help you determine whether an issue you have is impacting multiple people. ​

To receive email alerts regarding service interruptions, you have two options:

- Subscribe to IT Service Desk alerts using (Service Desk Alerts), to receive alerts from the Service Desk regarding system outages.

- Click the Subscribe button below to receive automated alerts via email from this site. Please note that this is an automated system that is checking if a service is responding to requests and does not necessarily indicate issues that may be impacting performance or specific functionality within an application

We will be refining and enhancing this status page over time.

If you are experiencing an issue with a service that is shown as operational, please contact the IT Service Desk via email (, or live chat (

Team Dynamix


  1. Percent Uptime
  2. Incidents Reported
  3. Redirect Time (ms)
  4. DNS Lookup Time (ms)
  5. TCP Connection Time (ms)
  6. TLS Handshake Time (ms)
  7. Content Generation Time (ms)
  8. Content Transfer Time (ms)
  9. Total Elapsed Time (ms)
  10. Time to First Byte (ms)

Nylig historikk

Ingen hendelser i 5 dager!
Ute av drift
Common services / Team Dynamix
Ingen hendelser i 5 dager!
Ute av drift
Common services / Team Dynamix